Reeco Tech

Provide - Design
Integrate - Transfer
Comprehensive Solutions

* Environmental monitoring
* Hydrometeorology
* Support for the safe operation of marine activities
Reeco Tech

Environmental, Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring Solutions

* Provision of measuring instruments and technical services to laboratories, environmental, hydro-meteorological and oceanographic monitoring stations;
* Design and provision of environmental, hydro-meteorological and oceanographic monitoring solutions, data transmission, processing and management system/software
Reeco Tech

VnEmisoft Software

Environmental, Meteorological, Hydrological Information Management, Sharing and Warning Software
About us

Introducing Reeco Tech

REECO Science and Technology Company Limited (Reecotech) was established in 2012 and is one of the leading companies in Vietnam specializing in providing, designing, integrating, and transferring environmental monitoring, meteorology, and maritime hydrography solutions and supporting the safe operation of marine activities.

We are proud to be a certified organization for the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 and occupational health and safety management ISO 45001:2018, providing high-quality products and services.

Outstanding solution

We offer a portfolio of independent, sustainable solutions.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Collecting information about weather, climate, hydrology, oceanography, etc. to help forecast and early warn natural disasters, supporting authorities and people to respond promptly and minimize damage.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Ports and Harbours

These solutions typically include specialized measurement devices such as: weather stations, hydro stations, wave buoys, etc. These devices are installed at suitable locations to collect data on meteorological and oceanographic parameters. 

Ports and Harbours

Renewable Energy and Blue Economy

Providing solutions for meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic and environmental monitoring to provide necessary data for forecasting, exploiting and using energy efficiently, minimizing natural disaster risks, protecting the marine environment and biodiversity.

Điện gió ngoài khơi

Renewable Energy and Blue Economy

Safely operate and optimize vessel performance

Collecting, analyzing, and using information about weather, hydrology, and marine environment to serve marine activities, reduce risks, and save costs.

Vận hành an toàn và tối ưu hoá hiệu suất tàu biển

Safely operate and optimize vessel performance

Robot- under water vehicels

ROVs are a modern, advanced technology that has been widely used in a variety of fields, including: search and rescue, marine survey, oceanographic research, underwater archaeology, and shipwreck exploration.

Khảo sát công trình và cơ sở hạ tầng dưới nước

Robot- under water vehicels

Laboratory Analytical Equipment

Reecotech laboratory equipment products are imported from reputable manufacturers around the world, such as L&C, bbeMoldaenke, HYDRO-BIOS, Hiden Analytical, YSI – USA, VideoRay – USA, OI Analytical, etc. These products are highly accurate, meet international standards and are widely used in laboratories around the world.

Thiết bị trong phòng thí nghiệm

Laboratory Analytical Equipment


Brand more than 11 years


ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018


Quantity solution
service diversity




The project had finished
Cảm biến đo sóng đặt trên phao

MOTUS Stand-Alone Sensor

Turn your buoy into an intelligent data-collecting platform with the Aanderaa MOTUS Wave Stand-Alone Sensor
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Radar đo sóng và dòng chảy trên bến cảng

Port Wave and Current Radar

Measure the height, velocity, direction of waves as well as the speed and direction of currents on the sea surface.
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Cảm biến đo sóng và thủy triều

Pressure Based Waves

Measure pressure based Waves with the Aanderaa Wave Sensors- compact fully integrated sensors for measuring wave and tide conditions
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Thiết bị đo profile dòng chảy theo tầng sâu và các thông số hải dương

Profiling Current Meter

The SeaGuardII DCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) measures currents and can be extended with wave direction, oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, temperature, and serial sensors
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Thiết bị đo tốc độ dòng chảy phân giải cao

Single-point Recording Current Meter

The SeaGuard current meters are multiparameter platforms with vast possibilities to measure currents, waves, and water quality
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Datalogger thu thập và truyền dữ liệu


The next generation sensor and instrument HUB for Ocean, Lake, Reservoir, Estuary and River Hydrometric stations
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phao quan trắc chất lượng nước

The Buoy for meteorological, hydrographic and water quality monitoring

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Radar đo sóng dòng chảy và độ tức thời của tàu

Wave Radar for Measuring Waves Currents and Real-Time Speed of Ships

The device measures current waves and the instantaneous speed of the ship relative to the sea surface
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Software for managing - sharing - warning environmental information, weather, meteorology, hydrology

VnEmisoft-BAS: Port Call Support Software

VnEmisoft-BAS: Port Call Support Software
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Phần mềm hỗ trợ tàu cập cảng VnEmisoft-BAS

VnEmisoft-Lightning: Thunderstorm Warning Software

VnEmisoft-Lightning: Thunderstorm Warning Software
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Successfully deployed over 1000 + monitoring stations to custumer
Lắp đặt và đưa vào sử dụng hệ thống quan trắc tàu cập cảng tại cảng Saigon Petro

Saigon Petro Port commissions the BAS system for real-time monitoring of vessel berthing

Recently, Saigon Petro Port in Ho Chi Minh City successfully completed the installation and commissioning of the Berthing Aid System (BAS), implemented by Reecotech. This system enables the port to accommodate and operate larger vessels while providing real-time monitoring and management of the entire berthing process, ensuring safe and efficient port operations. Real-time data on [...]
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Giải pháp quan trắc môi trường

Reecotech: Pioneering Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning Solutions

As a leading company with extensive experience in providing solutions for environmental monitoring, hydro-meteorological observation, disaster prevention, and safe operation support, Reecotech is honored to have been selected by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Vietnam) as the implementing partner for the project titled “Supply and Installation of Automatic Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring and Early Warning Systems” [...]
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Buổi bàn giao hệ thống và phần mềm chuyên dụng cho nghiên cứu biển

Completion of the Delivery of Specialized Equipment and Software for Marine Research

To meet the needs of developing marine environmental research projects, Reecotech has successfully completed the project “Delivery of Specialized Equipment and Software for Marine Surveying, Investigation, and Research”. As a leading company in environmental technology and marine measurement, Reecotech takes pride in providing modern, optimal solutions for its clients’ critical projects. Currently, coastal areas and [...]
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Trạm phao quan trắc chất lượng nước tại Trạm bơm Hòa Phú - sông Sài Gòn

Completion of Installation of Water Quality Buoy Monitoring Station at Hoa Phu Pumping Station

In recent years, ensuring the quality of water for both domestic and industrial use has become increasingly important due to environmental issues such as pollution and climate change. Particularly in the downstream area of the Saigon River, pollution and saltwater intrusion have been on the rise, threatening water safety and posing significant challenges to water [...]
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hệ thống trạm quan trắc khí tượng thủy văn hiện đại theo quy định của Nghị định 48/2020/NĐ-CP

Completion of the installation of a meteorological and hydrographic monitoring system in compliance with Decree 48/2020/ND-CP at Cam Ranh Port

Cam Ranh Port, formerly known as Ba Ngoi Port, is an international commercial port located in Cam Ranh Bay, Khanh Hoa province. It is one of Vietnam’s most important seaports, playing a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the region. To enhance safety and operational efficiency, port enterprises here have completed the installation of [...]
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hệ thống trạm quan trắc khí tượng thủy văn

Installation of a meteorological and hydrographic monitoring station at Phuoc Khanh Oil Port

Pursuant to Decree 48/2020/ND-CP, the Nhon Trach port consortium in Dong Nai has successfully installed a state-of-the-art meteorological and hydrographic monitoring system. The project was carried out by Reecotech, Vietnam’s premier provider of comprehensive meteorological, hydrographic, and environmental monitoring solutions. Phuoc Khanh Port – one of the important “gateways” of the southern region – plays [...]
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News & Events

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  • What is a Seaport? 2 Criteria for Classifying Seaports

    What is a Seaport? 2 Criteria for Classifying Seaports

    The classification of seaports must be based on specific criteria and regulations. So, how many types of seaports are there and what are the criteria for classifying them? Let’s delve deeper into this topic with Reecotech in the article below! What is a seaport? According to Article 73, Clause 1 of the Vietnam Maritime Code [...]
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    What is algae? How to detect and control green algae in aquaculture?

    What is algae? How to detect and control green algae in aquaculture?

    Aquaculture is one of the economic profit-generating sectors in our country today. However, during the aquaculture process, the proliferation of certain types of toxic algae can greatly affect the growth of cultivated organisms. Green algae, or cyanobacteria, are one of the dangerous toxic algae that hinder the growth of aquatic organisms. To ensure a suitable [...]
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    Application of Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring Stations in Flood Forecasting

    Application of Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring Stations in Flood Forecasting

    Hydrometeorological monitoring is the systematic observation and measurement of atmospheric, river, stream, canal, ditch, lake, and marine parameters with a high degree of accuracy (Clause 5, Article 3 of the 2015 Hydrometeorological Law). To ensure quality, monitoring must be accurate, continuous, and adhere to technical standards; Results must be representative and objectively reflect the current [...]
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    Hệ thống đo mưa tự động

    How to measure rainfall – A guide to effectively using rain gauging devices

    Measuring rainfall not only helps us better understand climate and weather but also plays a significant role in various fields such as agriculture, water resource management, and environmental protection. In the following article, Reeco will guide you on how to accurately measure rainfall using specialized equipment. The importance of rainfall measurement Rainfall measurement is not [...]
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    6 Industries Heavily Impacted by Climate Change

    6 Industries Heavily Impacted by Climate Change

    Extreme weather events, including droughts, floods, hurricanes, and heatwaves, are becoming more common and intense due to climate change. These events can cause significant economic damage, particularly to certain industries. Investment Trends in 2024: Navigating a Dynamic Landscape The world is witnessing a dramatic shift in climate patterns, with far-reaching consequences for the global economy. [...]
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    2 Methods for measuring turbidity and clarity of water in aquaculture

    3 Methods for measuring turbidity and clarity of water in aquaculture

    Turbidity and clarity are two important parameters that can significantly impact the overall health of organisms in an aquaculture pond ecosystem, as well as the growth and development of aquatic species such as shrimp and fish. Evaluating these parameters is crucial for assessing water quality in aquaculture. What is water turbidity? Water turbidity, also known [...]
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    Giám sát DO trong nuôi tôm bằng công nghệ hiện đại

    The solution for continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen (DO) – Automatic control of water aeration fans in shrimp ponds helps reduce electricity costs.

    1.The importance of dissolved oxygen (DO) and the operational electricity cost of water aeration fans or air blowers in intensive shrimp farming In shrimp farming, maintaining dissolved oxygen levels above 4 mg/l (ideally 6-8 mg/l) in the ponds is crucial for success. Providing adequate oxygen throughout the farming cycle helps shrimp grow well, stay healthy, [...]
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    Thiết bị đo dòng chảy, sóng, thủy triều và môi trường

    Current, wave, tidal and environmental measurement instrument

    A remarkable system that measures various factors: waves, currents, tides, temperature, DO, turbidity, C-T-D, etc. Applications: Deployment for measurement at a fixed point at sea, ports, wind farms, etc. Option for self-recording (offline) or real-time data transmission (online). REECOTECH is pleased to present and share this product with you through the video below.
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    Giải pháp công nghệ mới và các trang thiết bị trong đo đạc, quan trắc, giám sát chất lượng môi trường nước
    News & Events

    Reeco successfully cooperated with Xylem Inc-US, VNU-HCM University of Science to organize scientific seminar

    On April 27, 2017. REECO Science & Technology Co., Ltd (REECO) cooperated with Xylem Inc (Xylem) and Faculty of Environment, VNU-HCM University of Science held a seminar “New technology solutions and equipment in measuring, monitoring water quality” The seminar was attended by more than 60 delegates from centers, organizations, management and research agencies operating in [...]
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    Reecotech has clients throughout Vietnam and several other countries in the Southeast Asian region

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